We’re excited to provide an exciting annual program of engaging events for our members and community to learn, connect, and grow.

Our events bring together industry leaders and innovators to dig deep into current and future trends, and provide a true connection point between the worlds of tech and real estate. Whether it's a deep dive panel with expert speakers, intimate roundtables on timely topics, or informal mingling to inspire new ideas, Proptech Collective is the place to be.

We host regular events across Canada as well as curated events for Canadians at international conferences and tradeshows.

Upcoming CANADIAN Events

We host a wide range of events across the entire Canadian ecosystem to drive collaboration across the industry.

Interested in speaking at one of our events? Fill out this form.


international Events

To support our members we actively advocate for Canadian proptech companies and look for ways to support their international business endeavours. We collaborate with leading conference organizers to offer our members discounts on tickets and booths. We also aim to make conferences more impactful by facilitating connections to prospective customers through events and introductions. Let us know if you are considering attending conferences outside of Canada and we can discuss how we can help.





The Collective for Advancement of Connected Buildings (CACB) has a goal to provide support and development services to help with electrification-driven decarbonization as it pertains to building technologies.

The mandate of CACB is to provide educational outreach and a unified voice in advancing the role of buildings and communities to expedite Canada’s transition to Net Zero, by coupling power, building and transportation decarbonization at a building and community level.

In collaboration with the Collective for Advancement of Connected Buildings (CACB), we’re launching Canada’s Climate Change Progress webinar series focused on identifying pathways to expedite Canada’s transition to Net Zero by coupling power, building and transportation decarbonization at a building and community level.


Upcoming CACB Events

Learn more about upcoming events below, and join in the conversations.



View previous webinar recordings here